Friday, July 27, 2007

Swedish Weave and Meanderings

I haven't had time to work on the Memorial Quilt. I think that will have to take a back seat for a little. This has been a bad week for Karl and he spent some time in the hospital getting a blood transfusion. So I'm working on a Swedish Weave blanket. Swedish weave is great because it keeps your hands busy and your mind just enough so you can't think too hard. I will post a picture later showing the blanket.
As I'm working on this I'm thinking about one of my daughter's, husband's, grandmother. She had done all sorts of hand work and stashed it away in a hope chest. And when there was a wedding she would invite the bride to her house to come choose some pieces from the hope chest. I thought this was just a wonderful idea. I would love to do that, but first I would need a hope chest, or as my Mother would say "A hopeless chest."
The other meandering is: On the way home from the hospital with Karl yesterday, he asked for
a Coke, so I pulled into Mickey D's and had a sip myself. I don't usually drink Coke, I'm a Dr. Pepper person. Anyway, when I took that sip I instantly thought of a Chocolate covered Donut.
When I was in high school we took the bus home and there was a little donut shop across the street. We would go over and for 15 cents we could have a donut and a coke. So back I went to high school days. It's funny how something like a taste, smell or sound can take you back to another time.
I'm sorry I don't have any eye candy for you today. But I will try to post a picture of the blanket in a few days. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Sorry to hear Karl needed to go for a transfusion - glad it's possible to do that! With me, it's always smells. One whiff and back I go.

Too bad the body doesn't go back, too! LOL! I remember those days. My older brothers and sister are all Coke fanatics, but I'm like you. Or 7-Up.

We used to go to Dairy Queen have a Lemon Coke at lunch. Haven't had that in 40 years!